Friday, October 30, 2015

The Colors of Us

The Colors of Us

About this Book

The Colors of Us is a multicultural book written and illustrated by Karen Katz. Seven-year-old Lena tells her mother she is going to paint a picture of herself. Her mother begins to show Lena how to mix different colors together to make various shades of brown. Lena was confused and told her mother brown was brown. Lena’s mother then took Lena for a walk in her neighborhood to show her all the different shades of brown people could be. Lena saw her friends and neighbors and noticed all the different shades of brown. Lena began to compare the skin color to tasty foods and realized that there were plenty shades of brown and they were all beautiful. Lena then painted portraits of all the people she saw and used different shades of brown to depict their skin color.


The Colors of Us is a contemporary realistic fiction picture book
The multicultural diverse neighborhood was vividly depicted in the illustrations of various skin tones of the characters in the book

The Importance

This book demonstrates a multicultural and diverse community. The book also shows the beauty in the various skin colors of every ethnic group described in the book. The illustrations are vivid and show everyone being happy and comfortable in their own skin.

Discussion Questions

●    Why do you think Lena’s mother took her outside to see the different shades of the skin   color of her friends and neighbors?
●    How would you have described Lena’s friends and neighbors skin color?
●    Do you think Lena described the skin color of everyone in the book correctly?
●    Why do you think it is important to recognize the difference in people’s skin color?
●    How would you describe your own skin color?

Activities for Readers

●    Have the children get into pairs of 2 and mix water paints together until they match their partner's skin color then paint their portrait
●    Have the children get into groups of 4 and have them describe the skin color of the members in the group using foods like Lena did in the book
●    Have all the children in the class mix different shades of brown in a bowl and have the child dip their hand in the water paint and put their handprints on a poster showing the different shades of brown

A Few Suggestions from Karen Katz’s Collection of Books
●    No Hitting
●    Can You Say Peace
●    My First Ramadan
●    My First Kwanzaa
●    My First Chinese Year

Katz, K. (1999). The Color of Us. New York, NY: Henry Holt & Co.